Mammas Need Reminders Too!

Mammas Need Reminders Too!
May 7, 2024 No Comments Advocacy stacey

How often do you run around reminding your kids, and your spouse or significant other, of all the things that need to take place within each 24-hour cycle?

As moms, we have a tendency to be the person in the home who manages the lives of everyone else who lives under the same roof. For some of us who grow to own the title of “control freaks”, we bring on this added stress in an almost intentional manner. Then we’ve got the “co-dependents”, who have a very strong pull to “fix” things for other people from their own problems or mistakes. And then there’s the mom who struggles to keep her own personal life organized and ends up beating herself up when she drops the ball on the thousandth thing that she added to her already overtaxed list.

Here’s YOUR Reminder
Because we generally forget about ourselves, consider this email as your reminder that you MUST make time for YOU! Yea, summer is coming, and it’ll bring with it another list of “have-tos”, so don’t wait until you feel like you can’t breathe before you take a moment, slow down and institute a consistent practice of self-care. I realize that this doesn’t come easily to most of us – I’m a constant work in progress! – but I do know that if you don’t slow down, breathe and take care of yourself, your Maker will do it for you, and that’s definitely not gonna be the type of reminder that you want (been there, done that).

There are a few podcasters that I like to follow who focus on self-care and are part of my own reminder system when it comes to helping me keep my head on straight. Rachel Hollis is one of them. For this week’s email, I thought I would simply share a few of her golden nuggets that I’m hoping you can relate to.

Why Should You Engage in Self-Care?
It’s Literally the LEAST You Can Do
When you care about/for others we’re often expected to take care of everyone else first. We typically juggle various roles and responsibilities and yet, very rarely do we put ourselves on our own “to-do” list. Years ago a nutritionist asked me “would you ever feed your children the way you feed yourself?” At the time I was living off of caffeine and going most of the day without real nutrition only to binge as soon as I got home. My answer was, absolutely not. “So why do you put so much effort into caring for them and none into caring for yourself?” Touche. In the midst of caring for others, it’s essential to recognize that you deserve the same level of care and attention. Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish; it’s an investment in your well-being.

You’ve Got to Recharge if you Want Power
Just like your phone or laptop, you need regular recharging to function at your best. Taking better care of yourself isn’t just about pampering; it’s about ensuring you have the physical and mental energy to tackle life’s challenges. Whether it’s a bath, a walk in the park, or simply a quiet moment with a book, find what recharges your batteries and plan it into your calendar to ensure you’re able to soak it in at a time when no one else is vying for your attention.

You’re a Role Model for Others
You play a vital role in the lives of those around you… especially closer family and friends. By prioritizing your health and well-being, you become a positive role model for others, showing that self-care is not only acceptable but essential. Your actions inspire those close to you to do the same.

Want some ideas for how to take better care of yourself? This episode of the podcast has A TON of them! Check out all the ways you can take better care of yourself right now.”


As mammas of kids with disabilities, we know that we have added items on our plate, but quite often it’s us who keeps piling it on. This week of Mother’s Day 2024, sit in a quiet space when everyone has gone to bed, grab a journal or even just a piece of paper, and write ONE thing down that you can do for yourself – yes, just ONE thing. And DO IT by Sunday night. Maybe it’s to go for a walk ALONE for 15 minutes; maybe it’s to order take-out instead of trying to figure out how to put dinner together for a house of five between therapies for the kids; or maybe it’s to grab brunch with a girlfriend you haven’t talked to since your child was diagnosed.

If you have kids with autism and live in Broward County, there’s even a Painting with a Twist event for moms on July 11 at 7 PM. (I’ll put the post below. You can get your ticket here)

Hoping this gentle reminder will help you take a moment for yourself and allow others to celebrate how amazing you truly are!!!!

Wishing you all a fabulous Mother’s Day! 

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