Parent Coaching

Parent Coaching
July 8, 2016 Comments Off on Parent Coaching Advocacy stacey

Who couldn’t benefit from a coach? That’s why there are life coaches, fitness coaches, business coaches, etc. Just because you have a child with a special need DO NOT mean that you’re meant to walk along this journey on your own – DON’T be a martyr! It’s not good for your health and well-being.

As a parent or caregiver, there are some things that you can do on your own, and then there are other things that would have a much greater result with professional guidance and support. The development of your child’s IEP is one of those things. Many parents feel completely overwhelmed by what occurs at the IEP table. Our expertise enables parents to work more effectively with educators to plan and obtain appropriate educational supports and services for their children with special needs.

As special education advocates, our goal is to advocate for an appropriate education for all children, allowing them to reach their full potential and live healthy, productive and inclusive lives.

Education is not just about academics Oftentimes schools tell parents their child doesn’t qualify for an IEP because their grades are fine. There is so much more to education than grades. We assist parents in obtaining services related to the WHOLE child:
• Academics
• Social (social skills, self awareness and regulation, bullying)
• Behavior (behavior intervention plans)
• Independence (transitions, organization, self help)
• Assistive Technology
• Fine and Gross Motor Skills
• Sensory Processing
• Communication
• Transition Services (14 to 22 years old)
• Community Based Instruction (life skills, employment, leisure)
• Self advocacy, determination and disclosure
• Etc.

Are you feeling like…

  • you and your partner aren’t on the same page?
  • you can’t seem to figure out a way to move forward?
  • you’ve tried it all but nothing works?
  • your other children or spouse are feeling resentful about your attention to your child with a special need
  • screen time has become unmanageable?
  • you are yelling more than you’d like?
  • you are filled with worry about your child and what kind of life they will have?
  • you are making all family decisions around one person’s needs?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could…

  • feel confident about your parenting skills
  • set boundaries with ease
  • establish structure in the home that works for everyone
  • reduce or eliminate the need to yell or threaten
  • improve your relationships with your spouse and your children through deeper connections and respectful communication
  • find time in your schedule for YOU, and the other family members
  • recognize when you need to ask for outside help and be ok with that
  • parent without power struggles
  • experience more joy and less stress
  • determine when to say “no” to things that just aren’t that important for your mental well-being
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