Make It a Successful School Year From Day ONE

Make It a Successful School Year From Day ONE
August 17, 2014 Comments Off on Make It a Successful School Year From Day ONE News stacey

There’s an Einstein quote that’s used quite often that basically says that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. While this doesn’t hold true with everything, it certainly seems to hold true for special education.

As you come into another school year faced with an education system that’s seriously lacking dollars to provide necessary supports and services to all children who need it, remember this quote. If, as you review your child’s progress over the last year, you didn’t really notice the progress in your child that you (and maybe the IEP team) expected, why would it make sense to start this year just as you left of the last one?

Start off on the right foot and don’t let a year go by with regrets for what “could have been”.

– If the supports your child needs are not in place on day one, chances are that they won’t be there on day 180. Don’t delay in sharing your concerns with your teacher, ESE Specialist or school’s principal.

– Bring with you tomorrow a one page “Day in the Life” of your child. Give that one pager of who your child is and what he/she needs to their teacher. Be sure to put your cell number and email at the top of the paper so you can be easily reached for quick reference.

– If you’re child’s in middle school, prepare a color coded system that works for them (which may be different than what everyone else is using, and that’s ok)

– Expect a slight delay in services such as speech/language therapy, OT and PT… but not to go beyond a few days.

– All assistive technology should be in place from day-one… especially if your child uses it for communication purposes.

– If your child’s IEP says that he/she is to be included in a regular education classroom for reading, this should start on day one when the teacher is going over her introduction on how her groups will run. When kids start inclusion midstream it can be a very confusing situation…. It would be like me coming into a calculus class after half the semester is over.

– If the same curriculum is being used and it didn’t work for your child last year, ask why it’s still being used.

– Learn to identify the hallmarks of a good program and advocate. If you need help advocating for your child, and you live in Broward County, call Family Network on Disabilities and we can help set you on a course for a successful school year. 754-444-6550

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