Gifting Shouldn’t Be This Hard (and with a little help, it’s not)

Gifting Shouldn’t Be This Hard (and with a little help, it’s not)
December 21, 2021 Comments Off on Gifting Shouldn’t Be This Hard (and with a little help, it’s not) Hello world stacey

It’s tough enough to find holiday gifts for kids who are into everything, but for kids with autism who have a tendency to have more than narrow interests, holiday shopping can be as stressful as trying to keep track of whether your school is face to face or eLearning! You search and search to find the coolest toys, most fashionable t-shirts and video games that you just “know” any kid would love, just to find it hidden under a mountain of wrapping paper in the corner of the living room well after everyone has called it a day.

Yep, our kids aren’t generally hip to the latest and greatest, care one way or another when it comes to fashion or find enjoyment in a video game that requires two or more players. SO, if you want your child to actually “like” what you’ve found for them, there are some things to consider while scouring the web in search of the perfect gift; and not afterwards as he looks at it, reminds you that it’s not what he asked for and leaves it where he found it.



Accept a Request – If your child is verbal and tells you what she wants, even if she has a box full of them already, if you want to please her, just get it. No, don’t go overboard and spend a crazy amount of money, but an item of high interest goes a really long way in bringing pleasure to the tough-to-please kid. And even though it might give “you” anxiety to purchase yet another one of whatever it is, she’ll love it; and isn’t that what it’s really all about?

Target Special Interests – Kids with autism tend to have very specific interests or topics. Telling Grandma to purchase him something because “you” think he should expand his repertoire isn’t going to create a warm and fuzzy feeling when the gift is opened and he says, “But this isn’t what I wanted.” Save the desire that you have for him to expand his horizons for another time and give the gift that will warm his little heart and make Grandma smile as she sees her grandson as happy as he can be when he opens her gift.

Think Outside the Box (literally) – As I said before, kids with ASD may not have an attraction to the most popular gifts, but they might have an interest in things that might seem a little “off the chart”.

  • For kids who love to take things apart and put them back together again, a small tool set can give hours of enjoyment, and contribute to future employment 😊.
  • For kids who love things that are a certain color, go “blue” crazy.
  • For kids who live and die by the iPad, maybe it’s a new tablet cover and a few new apps.
  • And what kid wouldn’t just LOVE a few big empty boxes to climb around in?

It doesn’t really have to be complicated; just think about what your child spends their day loving and doing and go from there.

Books, Apps, DVDs, etc. are great, but make sure it’s specific to your child’s area of interest. Giving them a book on space travel when they have absolutely no interest in inner or outer space isn’t going to do much except collect dust. Amazon and small bookstores (online or in person) are incredible places to find books that you won’t find on a major bookstore shelf. (btw: I have found some of the most amazing books in tiny privately owned book stores)

Monetary Gifts (and other Collector Items) – Now, I know what you’re going to say… Money??!! Lots of kids with ASD are “collectors” and coins can be one of those things. $10 worth of coins can seem like much more than it actually is, especially if your kid likes to examine and categorize them. Plus, this is a gift that even siblings will be jealous over. If your kid loves cars, give them a 6 pack of Hot Wheels; if they love action heroes, a dollar store is the place to go; and of course, many kids with ASD just can’ t have enough Legos and since these can be over-the-top in price, E-bay just might be the answer to your prayers.

Don’t Forget the Senses – Holiday gift giving doesn’t have to be about toys or clothes. For the sensory seeking kid, a basket full of sensory items could be the ticket to utter bliss. Weighted items, fidgets, vibrating gadgets, lotions, scented oils, “chewelry”, and a ball they can bounce on to their heart’s delight, can bring holiday cheer to the whole family. Having a child with ASD in your home who’s truly content, even for short blasts of time, is a holiday gift that keeps on giving.

Instead of trying to change who your kids are this holiday season by purchasing gifts that “broaden their horizons”, do yourself and your child a favor, and give them what they love. Chances are it’ll not only bring a smile to their face, but a savings to your wallet. 🙂

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