Stacey Hoaglund
For those parents whose kids are just about finishing up Extended School Year, or those who might be taking a couple weeks off after summer camp to catch a break before returning to school, there’s a couple things that you could be doing to help make your child’s transition back into school a little less
Read MoreYou Betcha!! Many kids that I know, who happen to have disabilities, really love comic books/graphic novels. When they can match the words to what’s happening in the picture, it just seems to make more sense to them. There’s no guessing who said what or where they were when they said it or what type
Read MoreWriting for kids with disabilities can be a HUMONGOUS challenge, especially for those who have language delays. Think about it – when we are given a writing assignment, no matter the age, we are expected to: In the following article, author Ann Dolin offers some advice on steps you can use to help your kids
Read MoreHave you ever heard your school or community support system refer to something as “Pre- ETS”, or pre-employment training services? I am gonna guess your answer is, “No,” unfortunately. Most parents that I talk to have no idea what this is, or have even ever heard of it. Generally speaking, it kicks in when kids
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